2021, Vol. 4 Issue 6 (March 2021)
S. No. Title and Authors Name
Darra Adam Khel a Supermarket of Illicit Arms : A Security Concern
Dr. Shakeel Husain - Department of Political Science Govt VYT PG autonomous college Durg Chhattisgarh
Pages 84-86
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Tess Slesinger (1905-1945)
Dr. (Smt.) Basobi Shrivastava - Professor of English, S.L.P. Govt. P.G. College Morar, Gwalior (M.P.).
Pages 1-3
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The Native American Civilizations and their confrontations with the Old World
Dr. N.R. Gopal - Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala.
Pages 4 -10
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The Problem of Disability and its Portrayal in Indian English Fiction
Priya Ranjan Tiwari - Koshi College, Khagaria, Munger University, Munger
Pages 11-16
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The Native American Renaissance: Pioneering 20th Century Writers
Osheen Sharma - Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala (H.P.)
Pages 17-20
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Good Governance & Sustainable Development (SD) in India
Dr. Vijay Kumar Verma - Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi, New Delhi Vinod Singh Kushwaha School of Social Sciences, Research Unit of IGNOU Campus, New Delhi
Pages 26 - 33
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Balance Life in the Current Era"- Illusion or Reality for Working People: A Step Ahead
Dr. Kamal Agal, Mr. Aakashkumar Sharma - Anand Commerce College, Anand, Gujarat b. Anand Commerce College, Anand, Gujarat.
Pages 34 - 40
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A Study on Entrepreneurial Barriers Faced by Disabled People in India
Rushda TK, Bilal Ahmad Mir - a. Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu. b. Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu.
Pages 41 - 46
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Gandhi's Impact on Dr. Vinayan and Mazdoor Kisan Sangram Samiti
Dr. Girish Chandra Pandey - H.S. College, Haveli, Kharagpur, Munger, Bihar.
Pages 47 - 54
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The Growth of the Revolutionary Activities of the Hindi-speaking People of Calcutta with Special Reference to Dumka (1905-1914)
Martina Chakraborty Rabindra - Bharati University, Kolkata.
Pages 55 - 62
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Effects on Gender Equality During COVID-19
Shagufta Siddiqui - Govt. V.Y.T. PG Autonomous College, Durg (C.G).
Pages 66 - 68
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Problems Faced by the Migrant Labourers during Covid Pandemic Lockdown
Sarbani Maity - University of Kalyani, West Bengal
Pages 69 - 72
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Diversity of Forest Climbers in the Reserve Forest of Bhupdeopur of District Raigarh, Chhattisgarh
Vijay Laxmi Naidu - Govt. V.Y.T. PG Autonomous College Durg, C.G
Pages 77 - 83
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Lateral Entry in the Steel Frame of India: Policy, Pandemonium and Paradox
Dr. Vijay K. Verma - Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi
Pages 87 - 90
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कोविड- 19 एवं अर्थव्यवस्था : संकट और चुनौतियाँ
डॉ. लखन चौधरी - कल्याण स्नातकोत्तर स्वशासी महाविद्यालय, सेक्टर-7, भिलाई नगर, जिला-दुर्ग (छ.ग.)
Pages 21 - 26
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वेदों में वीरता सूक्त एक अध्ययन
जनेन्द्र कुमार दीवान - सहा. प्राध्यापक शास.वि.या. ता. स्नातकोत्तर स्वशासी महाविद्यालय दुर्ग (छ.ग.)
Pages 63 - 65
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ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों मे नरवा गरवा घुरवा और बाड़ी की उपयोगिता एवं महत्व का अध्ययन (छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य के राजनांदगाँव जिले के संदर्भ में)
एस. कुमार सपना शर्मा सारस्वत - शासकीय विश्वनाथ यादव तामस्कर स्नात्कोत्तर स्वशासी महाविद्यालय, दुर्ग (छत्तीसगढ़)
Pages 73 - 76
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