Indian Civil Services in common parlance known as Indian Administrative Services or IAS is rightly labelled as Steel Frame of India' for the services it has rendered to the nation both pre & post-independence specifically in the domain of effective administration and formulation and implementation of public policies. The importance of Indian Civil services can be gauged from the fact that the examination for the entry into these services conducted by Union Public Service Commission is considered as the toughest examination of India and dream of youth from every socio-political background. This paper attempts to analyse the pandemonium and paradoxes associated with the policy of Lateral Entry in the higher bureaucracy at the ranks of Joint Secretary and Directors in various Departments of Government of India purely on the basis of personal interaction without any recruitment examination or established procedure. This paper also attempts to analyse the very origin and nature of Indian Civil Services along with the various reasons which necessitated the need to reformation and out of the box thinking for promoting greater transparency, efficiency and accountability.