Seminar 3
The Department of History organized a two days National Seminar on the topics entitled, “ ADUNIKBHARAT ME SAMAJIK SUDHAR ANDOLAN” on dated 28-29 February 2020 in collaborationwith Chhattisgarh Itihas Parishad i. CharuChitra of Delhi University was key note speaker. Resource persons &participants from different parts of India – Delhi, Gwalior, Bhopal, Nagpur,Pune, Kolkata, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and a large number of partisans fromChhattisgarh actively participated inthe seminar. More than 46 research papers were presented in six sessions.
. About 10 papers were also presented on History, Culture andArchaeology of Chhattisgarh. Eminent Historians of Chhattisgarh like Prof. M.A. Khan, Prof.Ramendra Nath Mishra , Prof Abha R.Pal, Prof. L.S.Nigam etc.shared their views on the topic. Research scholars and P.G. students werebenefitted from the seminar.