The department of Botany is one of the oldest departments of Govt. V.Y.T.PG. Autonomous College and has been in the forefront providing quality education and training in the field for the past five decades. UG course started from its inception in 1958 with Botany, Zoology and Chemistry and Botany, Chemistry, Microbiology in 2001 combinations. Postgraduate course started in the year 1972. 42 research papers have been published in various national and international journals its reputation for outstanding academic achievement is well known and reflects the intellectual achievement of its students. University rank holders and who are perusing education and research in top notch institutes of India the department has also been actively organizing guest lecturers national seminar, nature walks, field trips, botanical excursion, etc. in order to achieve all-round development of students through association activities.
The uniqueness of the department essentially lies in the fact that within its faculty there are experts and active researchers representing the frontier areas of modern botany the contribution of the eminent professors in the field of research includes Dr. S.K. Sharma in Plant taxonomy, Dr. S. R. Choudhary in plant pathology, Dr. Karkun in plant pathology, Microbiology, Prof. . P.C. Panda in plant physiology and Dr. J.N. Verma in plant pathology.
The research laboratory set under the department is well equipped with instruments like phase contrast microscope, BOD incubator, UV-VIS spectrophotometer, cooling centrifuge, Soxhlet apparatus etc.
The thrust area such as Isolation and characterization of Fungi, Bacteria, and study of antimicrobial activities. Study of medicinal plants & their Phytochemical analysis. Nanotechnological studies, Analysis of Bio-diversity index, Phytosociological studies of plants, study of green synthesis in plants, synthesis of nanomaterials through plants, study of Aquatic plants & their significant value analysed, Study the diversity of plants & their ecological variance.