Top ten Publications:-
1. Impact of Anganwadi Services onRural Development of Study on the Anganwadi Centres of Durg District, Chhatisgarh.International Journal of Advanced Research,ISSN No. 2320-5407,Vol.4.Issue-6,(2016),Shivani Mehata &Dr.O.P.Gupta
2. Profitability Measurment of Bakery andPoha Industries at Rajnandgaon, International Journal JETIR, ISSNNo.2349-5162,Vol.5 Issue-8,(2018), Divya Parmar & Dr.O.P.Gupta.
3. Problems & Suggestions of Small ScaleIndustries in Rajnandgaon District,International Journal of Reviews andResearch in Social Sciences (IJRRSS),ISSN No.2347-5145,Vol-6,Issue-4.(2018), DivyaParmar & Dr.O.P.Gupta.
4. Green Coronal Index is a better Parameterfor the Solar terrestrial studies.IJAMTES,ISSN No. 2249-7455,(2019), Dr.MeeraGupta & Dr.O.P.Gupta.
5. Correlative study of different types ofsolar radio brusts between sunspot numbers and solar flare index for the solarcycle 21 to 24.,International Journal of Management Technology &Engineering,ISSN No.2249-7455(2019), Dr.Meera Gupta & Dr.O.P.Gupta.
6. Conceptual Understanding of NPA withCOVID-19 effect,Aegaeum Journal ISO-7021-2008,Vol.-8,Issue7,(2020), Vikrant,Dr.O.P.Gupta& Dr.Meera Gupta.
7. Impact of Cloud Accounting in PresentScenario a theoretical Overview,Tathapi,ISSN No. 2320-0693,Vol.19,Issue-12,(2020),Payal Rajpoot,Neetu Dongre & Dr. O.P.Gupta.
8. Artificial Intelligence inAccounting opportunities & Challenges,Sian Journal of Architecture &Technology Journal,ISSN No.1006-7930,Vol.-12,Issue-9,(2020), Neetu Dongre,AlkaPandey & Dr.O.P.Gupta.
9. An exploratory study for scaledevelopment to measure through of NABARD on socio-economic developmet SHODHSARITA ,ISSN-2348-2397,VOL6,Issue Oct. to Dec. (2019), Dr.S.N.Jha &Vishwadeep Gupta.
10. A comparative study of SHS Bank linkageprogramme in Chhatisgarh,SHODH SARITA,ISSN NO. 2348-2397,VOL.6,Issue Oct. toDec.(2019), Charulata Solanki & Dr.S.N.Jha.
11. Self help groups-A tool of ruraldevelopment & women economic empowerment,SHODH SANCHAR BULLETIN,ISSNNO.2229-3620,Vol.9,Issue Oct.(2019), Charulata Solanki & Dr.S.N.Jha.
12. Impact of Globalization on Export of IndianAgriculture Produces,Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology,ISSNNo.1006-7930,(2019), Dr.H.P.Singh Saluja & Prateek Sharma
13. Production of Major Food Grains in Indian Agriculture(AComparative Study of Pre and Post Economics Reform Period,Sodh Sarita,ISSN No.2348-2397,(2019), Dr.H.P.Singh Saluja & Prateek Sharma
14. Impact of Globalization on IndianAgricultural Produces,Think India,ISS No. 0971-1260,Vol.-22,Issue-14(2019).,Dr.H.P.Singh& Prateek Sharma.
15. Role of Banking Sector in AgricultureDevelopment of India (A comparative Study of Pre and Post GlobalizationPeriod,Our Heritage,ISSN No.0474-9030,Vol.-68,Issue-1(2020),Dr.H.P.Singh Saluja& Prateek Sharma.
16. Analysis of Agricultural Growth inChhatisgarh State,Shodh Sarita,ISSN No. 2348-2397,Vol-6,Issue-24(2019), Dr.H.P.Singh& Prateek Sharma.
17. Agricultural Productivity in ChhatisgarhState :Pattern and Need,Shodh Sanchar,ISSN No.2229-3620,Vol-9Issue-36(2019), Dr.H.P.Singh& Prateek Sharma.
18. Comparative study of Cereals and PulsesCrops in Chhatisgarh State:Pattern and Requirments,Our Heritage,ISSNNo.0474-9030,Vol-68,Issue-1,(2020)
19. Analytical Study of Consumer Decision inE-Commercem,Dristikon, ISSN No. 0975-119XVol.12,Issue3,(2020), Swati Sharma&Dr. S.R.Thakur.
20. A Role of District Central Cooprative Bankof Rajnandgaon in Agricultural Loan Distribution,ISSN No.2349-5162,JETTR,Vol.5,Issue-5,May2018,Dr.H.P.SinghSaluja &Bhuneshwar Prasad.
21 An Analytical study of Public Recovery ofDurg Corporation,International Journal of Reviews and Research in SocialSciences,ISSN No. 2347-5145,Vol.7,Issue-2,April-June,2019,Ankita Namdeo &Dr.S.N.Jha.
22. A study on availability & awareness ofmicrofinance in Chhatishgarh,Vidywarta,ISSNNo.2319-9318,Vol.-01,Issue-21,March-2018,Vishwadeep Gupta & Dr. G.N.Kathare.
23. A study on Role of NABARD in Socio-EconomicDevelopment of Chhatishgarh,Studies in Indian Place Names,ISSNNo.2394-3114,Vol.-20,Issue 78,March 2020.Dr.S.N.Jha & Vishwadeep Gupta.
24. A study on Economic Empowerment of Womenthrough Self Help Groups in Durg District of Chhatishgarh,Vidyawarta,ISSNNo.2319-9318,Vol.-09,Issue22,Aprl-June,2018, Dr. S.N.Jha & CharulataSolanki.
25. An Insight into Corporate GovernancePractices in India:Opportunities & Challenges,SODH SANCHAR BULLETIN,ISSNNo. 2229-3620,Vol.-10,Issue 40,October-December,2020,Alka Pandy,Payal Rajpoot&Dr. O.P.Gupta.
Publications Details
1. छत्तीसगढ़ में पर्यटन दिशा एवं दशा शोध प्रकल्प Vol. –LVII No.-4, October-December 2011 ISSN No. 097-6459, Saluja Singh H.P., Soni ravish kumar and Sakvar Sangeeta
2. छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य में कृषि एवं ग्रामीण विकास सहकारी बैंक की दशा एवं दिशा Golden Research thoughts Vol.-II issue I july 2012 ISSN No. 2231-5063 Saluja Singh H.P., Soni ravish kumar and Prasad Bhuneshwar,
3. बस्तर संभाग में जिला सहकारी कृषि एवं ग्रामीण विकास बैंक के हितग्राहियों का अध्ययन Golden Research thoughts Vol.-II issue III September 2012 ISSN No. 2231-5063 Saluja Singh H.P., Soni ravish kumar, Prasad Bhuneshwar and Bhatia Harjeet singh ,
4. जिला सहकारी कृषि और ग्रामीण विकास बैंक के कार्यो का मूल्यांकन रायपुर संभाग के संदर्भ में Contemporary research in india Vol-II issue-III September 2012 ISSN No. 2231-2137 Saluja Singh H.P. and Soni ravish kumar,
5. “A study on Chhattisgarh State co-operative agriculture and rural development Bank limited Survey based analysis”: Golden Research thoughts Vol.-II issue IV October 2012 ISSN No. 2231-5063 , Saluja Singh H.P., Soni Anil kumar and Singh Dharmendar
6. Rule of Co-operative bank in agricultural credit: A study based on Chhattisgarh Abhinav national monthly refered journal of research in commerce and management Vol.-I issue X October 2012 ISSN No. 2277-1166 Soni Anil kumar , Saluja Singh H.P.
7. A Study on the development of co-operative movement of Chhattisgarh State. Indian streams research journal Vol.-II issue X November 2012 ISSN No. 2230-7850, Soni Anil kumar , Saluja Singh H.P.
8. A study of committees on the development of co-operative movement Golden Research thoughts Vol.-II issue VII January 2013 ISSN No. 2231-5063 Soni Anil kumar , Saluja Singh H.P.
9. A case study on online paddy procurement system in Chhattisgarh Golden Research thoughts Vol.-II issue VII January 2013 ISSN No. 2231-5063 Soni Anil kumar , Saluja Singh H.P. and Kapre Abhay,
10. जिला सहकारी कृषि और ग्रामीण विकास बैंक राजनांदगांव समस्या उपलब्धियां और संभावनाऐं Paripex Indian journal of research Vol.-II issue II Febuary 2013 ISSN No. 2250-1991, Bhatia H.S., Saluja H.P.Singh ,Soni ravish kumar and Sakvar Sangeeta
11. Financial Ratio analysis of DCC Bank limited Rajnandgaon financial management Internation Journal of Accounting and financial management research. Vol.-III issue I March 2013 ISSN No. 2249-6882, Soni Anil kumar and Saluja Singh H.P.
12. A study on development of co-operative movement in planned economy Internation Journal of Economics commerce and research Vol.-III issue I March 2013 ISSN No. 2250-0006, Soni Anil kumar and Saluja Singh H.P.
13. Comprehensive study on common accounting system for PACS international journal of accounting and financial management and research Vol.-III issue I March 2013 ISSN No. 2249-6882, Soni Anil kumar and Saluja Singh H.P.
14. Audit practice and procedure in co-operatives of Chhattisgarh Golden Research thoughts Vol.-II issue IX March 2013 ISSN No. 2231-5063 , Soni Anil kumar and Saluja Singh H.P.
15. कृषकों के आर्थिक विकास में छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य सहकारी विपणन संघ का योगदान Indian Journal of Applied research Vol.-III issue VI June 2013 ISSN No. 2249-555X., Saluja Singh H.P., Singh Dharmendra, Soni Ravees kumar and Bhatia Harjeet singh
16. राष्ट्रीय सफाई कामगार वित्त एवं विकास निगम नई दिल्ली द्वारा संचालित योजनाओं का अध्ययन Indian Journal of Applied research Vol.-III issue VII July 2013 ISSN No. 2249-555X. Saluja Singh H.P., Soni Ravees kumar , Sakvar Sangeeta and Bhatia Harjeet singh
17. अनुसूचित जाति एवं अनुसूचित जनजाति वर्ग के विद्यार्थियों को प्राप्त होने वाली शैक्षणिक सुविधाओं का अध्ययन छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य के संदर्भ में Golden Research thoughts Vol.-III issue II August 2013 ISSN No. 2231-5063, Saluja Singh H.P., Soni Ravees kumar , Bhatia Harjeet singh and Sakvar Sangeeta
18. प्रधानमंत्री ग्राम सड़क योजना के द्वारा छत्तीसगढ़ के बस्तर जिले के विकास का विष्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन Golden Research thoughts Vol.-III issue V November 2013 ISSN No. 2231-5063
19. Agrawal Sumeet and thakur S.R. Effect of rapid Urbanization in health environment research analysis and evaluation Vol.-III issue 35 August 2012 ISSN No. 0975-3486, Saluja Singh H.P., Soni Ravees kumar and Singh Yogendra
20. छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य में लद्यु वनोपजों का प्रबंध एक विश्लेषण छत्तीसगढ़ विवेक Vol.-37 January march 2012 ISSN No. 0972-8809, Mishra Satyaprakash and Jha S.N.
21. Women Empowerment in Rajanandgoan district the international journal of humanities and social studies Vol.-II issue IX September 2014 ISSN No. 2321-9203 Agrawal Sumeet and Jha S.N. and Devi M.,
22. लद्यु वनोपज आदिवासियों के जीवकोपार्जन प्रबंध का एक महत्वपूर्ण साधन एक अध्ययन छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य के संदर्भ में शोध प्रकल्प Vol.-LXI issue IV October-December 2012 ISSN No. 2278-3911, Mishra Satyaprakash and Jha S.N.
23. महिला एवं बाल विकास विभाग की योजनाओं का महिलाओं के आर्थिक विकास में योगदान] Vol.-XIV(7) issue 138 September-2015,pp119-121, ISSN No. 2278-3911, Sahu Kumudini and Jha S.N.
24. छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य में राष्ट्रीयकृत लद्यु वनोपज का व्यापार, शोध संप्रेषण Vol.-V,pp-37 July-september 2013 ISSN No. 097-6459 Febuary 2014 Mishra Satyaprakash and Jha S.N.
25. छ.ग. राज्य में कृषि विकास एक अध्ययन Vol.-V issue IX October- 2015,pp-1, ISSN No. 2236-7850, Mishra Satyaprakash and Thakur S.R.
26. छ.ग. में कृषि विपणन एवं उसकी चुनौतियॉं Vol.-IV issue XI August- 2015,pp-1, ISSN No. 2249-894 X, Mishra Satyaprakash and Thakur S.R.
27. भारत में कृषि ऋण विकास एक अध्ययन Vol.-XIV(2) issue IV April- 2015,pp-115-117, ISSN No. 2249-894X, Mishra Satyaprakash and Thakur S.R.
28. E-Commerce in India-Growth & Challenge, Vol.-VI issue XI Jan-Feb - 2015,pp-10, ISSN No. 975-3486, Mishra Satyaprakash and Thakur S.R.
29. ग्लोबल मार्केटिंग की नई दिशा भारत का ग्रामीण क्षेत्र Vol.-IV issue XI June-Aug - 2006,pp-10, ISSN No. 2249-894 X, Thakur S.R.
30. Effect of Rapid urbanization in Health & Enviornment, Vol.-III issue-35 Aug - 2012,pp-10, ISSN No. 2249-894 X, Agrawal Sumeet & Thakur S.R.
31. Influence of peer pressure on brand switching among Indian College students International Journal of current research Vol.-VI issue –II pp 51664-51671 Febuary 2014 ISSN No. 0975-833X , Acharya Aditi and Gupta O.P.
32. Examinee CSR practices among companies in different sectors in the U.S. & India,Excel International Journal of multi disciplinary management studies Vol.-IV issue –VII July 2014 pp 22-36 ISSN No. 2249-8834 , Acharya Aditi and Gupta O.P.
33. Evolving Social Networking Preference of Collge Students in India, Vol.-V(3) issue –II pp 61-67 March-2014 ISSN No. 0975-833X , Acharya Aditi and Gupta O.P.
34. Investigating Gender Diversity Policies & Performance of us Companies in Relation to Gender Inclusivity at the Senior Corporate Leadership level, Vol.-VII issue –IX pp 20181-20186, September 2015 ISSN No. 0975-833X , Acharya Aditi and Gupta O.P.
35. Trade Balance & Direction of Foreign Trade in Planning Period,Vol.VISSUE-55,pp-51-52,ISSN No.0975-3486,Research Analysis and Evaluation, International Indexed& Referred Research Journal,Gupta O.P.& Padmavati K.*
36. Analysis of Industrial Contribution of Gross Domestic Product in Planning Period,Vol No.02,Issue-09,pp-151-153,ISSN No.2319-9318,International Multillingual Research Journal of Vidyawarta,Gupta,O.P. & Padmavati K.*