UG |
PG |
PG Diploma |
PhD |
Govt. Aided |
Self-Finance |
Govt. Aided |
Self-Finance |
Self-Finance |
(Program Code) |
(Program Code) |
(Program Code) |
(Program Code) |
(Program Code) |
Program Name |
Program Name |
Program Name |
Program Name |
Program Name |
(BPMC) B.Sc.(Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) |
(BPMCs) B.Sc. (Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science) |
(MPH) M.Sc.Physics |
(MMB) M.Sc.Microbiology |
(PGDCA) PG Diploma in Computer Application |
(DPH) Physics |
(BPMGl) B.Sc. (Physics, Mathematics, Geology) |
(BPMEl) B.Sc. (Physics, Mathematics, Electronics) |
(MCH) M.Sc.Chemistry |
(MBT) M.Sc.Biotechnology |
(PGDYP) PG Diploma in Yoga Education and Philosophy |
(DCH)Chemistry |
(BCBZ) B.Sc.(Chemistry, Botany, Zoology) |
(BCMIc) B.Sc.(Chemistry, Mathematics, Ind.Chemistry) |
(MMT) M.Sc.Mathematics |
(MLIS) M. Lib & I. Sc. |
(DMT) Mathematics |
(BCZGl) B.Sc.(Chemistry, Zoology, Geology) |
(BCBMb) B.Sc.(Chemistry, Botany, Microbiology) |
(MBO) M.Sc.Botany |
(MSW) Master of Social Work |
(DBO) Botany |
(BCZAn) B.Sc.(Chemistry, Zoology, Anthropology) |
(BCZBt) B.Sc. (Chemistry, Zoology, Biotechnology) |
(MZO) M.Sc.Zoology |
(DZO) Zoology |
(BHnPsS) B.A. (Hindi Lit., Pol. Sc., Sociology) |
(BCZBc) B.Sc. (Chemistry, Zoology, Biochemistry) |
(MGL) M.Sc.Geology |
(DGL) Geology |
(BEgPsS) B.A. (English Lit., Pol. Sci., Sociology) |
(BCZIc) B.Sc. (Chemistry, Zoology, Ind. Chemistry) |
(MHN) M.A.Hindi |
(DMB) Microbiology |
(BHsPsS) B.A. (History, Pol. Sc., Sociology) |
(BCOMCa) B.Com. (Additional Paper Comp. Application) |
(MEN) M.A.English |
(DBT) Biotechnology |
(BEPsS) B.A. (Economics, Pol. Sc., Sociology) |
(BCA) BCA(All compulsory papers) |
(MEC) M.A.Economics |
(DHN) Hindi |
(BEHnS) B.A. (Economics, Hindi Lit., Sociology) |
(BLIS) B. Lib & I. Sc. |
(MGG) M.A.Geography |
(DEN) English |
(BPsSSn) B.A.(Pol. Sc., Sociology, Sanskrit) |
(MPS) M.A.Pol.Sc. |
(DEC) Economics |
(BHsPsSn) B.A.(History, Pol. Sc., Sanskrit) |
(MSL) M.A.Sociology |
(DGG) Geography |
(BHnHsPs) B.A. (Hindi Lit., History, Pol. Sc.) |
(MHS) M.A.History |
(DPS) Pol. Sc. |
(BEHnPs) B.A. (Economics, Hindi Lit., Pol. Sc.) |
(MCOM) M.Com. |
(DSL) Sociology |
(BPsSG) B.A. (Pol. Sc., Sociology, Geography) |
(DHS) History |
(BEPsG) B.A. (Economics, Pol. Sc., Geography) |
(DCOM) Commerce |
(BHnPsG) B.A. (Hindi Lit., Pol. Sc., Geography) |
(BHnSG) B.A. (Hindi Lit., Sociology, Geography) |
(BEHnG) B.A. (Economics, Hindi Lit., Geography) |
(BHsPsG) B.A. (History, Pol.Sc., Geography) |
(BHnSP) B.A. (Hindi Lit., Sociology, Psychology) |
(BEgSP) B.A. (English Lit., Sociology, Psychology) |
(BPsPS) B.A. (Pol.Sci., Psychology, Sociology) |
(BCOM) B.Com. (All compulsory papers) |
Total – 24 |
10 |
14 |
4 |
2 |
16 |