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International Cultural Exchange Program

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The students share their views on the website on special days and on important aspects of life. This helps them improve their writing skills, reading skills and general knowledge. Their blogs can be read on

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14th June 2021: World Donor’s Day
15th June 2021: National Smile Power Day
18th June2021: Rani Lakshmi Bai Martyr Day
19th June 2021: Tribute to Milkha Singh

1st July  2021: National Doctor’s day
6th July 2021: World Zoonoses Day
17th July 2021: World Day for International Justice
23rd July 2021: Guru Poornima

13th August 2021: International Left Hander’s Day
15th August 2021: What does Independence mean to me?
16th August 2021: Subhadra Kumari Chauhan’s 117th Birthday
26th August 2021: Women’s Equality Day

21ST Sept 2021: International Peace Day
23rd Sept 2021: International Day of Sign Languages
29th Sept 2021: World Heart Day

6th  October 2021: World Cerebral Palsy Day
10th December 2021: Human Rights Day