Virtual Tour

Academic Program

PG Diploma In Yogic Practices

PO1.At the end of the course, the students will be able to understand traditionalIndian Yoga systems; the philosophy of the Yoga systems and the new thought in the Yoga movement in the country.

PO2.The students will be able to understand the principles of  Hatha Yoga and the practical knowledge in this field.

PO3.The program will develop a basic understanding of human anatomy, humanphysiology, and a deeper understanding of the human systems along withmeditations.

PO4.The students will be introduced to the essential elements of a yogic lifestyle, the concept of health and disease, and their remedies through yogapractices. They will also learn the overview of the traditional knowledge ofthe country.

PO5.The students will be introduced to regular and rigorous practice (sadhana) ofyoga practices that would make them disciplined and knowledgeable Yogateachers.