Virtual Tour

Academic Program

Master of Arts (M.A. Program)

PO1: Knowledge and CriticalThinking: Develop a capacity to think moredeeply, sensitively and clearly about the ethical dimensions of their life withothers, not only in professional contexts but also in various personal andsocial contexts

PO2: Effective Communication:Communicate effectively both verbally and in writing, articulate their thinkingabout day-today issues lucidly and in-depth. Elaborate on the ideas, findingsand contributions in their field of interest. Able to comprehend and writeeffective reports, design documents, make effective presentations and give andunderstand clear instructions

PO3: Computer literacy:Able to make appropriate and effective use of information and informationtechnology relevant to their discipline

PO4: Life Long Learning:Recognize the need for, have the preparation and ability to engage inindependent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technologicalchange

PO5: Ethical, Societal andEnvironmental Sustainability: Apply ethicalprinciples in all their activities and commit to professional ethics.Understand the impact and follow the rules and regulations in societal andenvironmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need forsustainable development.

PO6: Teamwork and Employabilityskills: Capacity to communicate theirknowledge for others, which may include teaching and supervision. Able to workcollaboratively and effectively with others, respecting individual roles andresponsibilities.

PO7: Innovation andEntrepreneurship: Identify a timely opportunity andusing innovation to pursue that opportunity to create value and wealth for thebetterment of the individual and society at large