Established in the year 1958, the Department of English has been identified as"Star Department" under UGC-CPE Scheme. It comprises eight permanent professors and offers courses at U.G., P.G. and Ph.D. levels. It has an illustrious history with regard to eminent academia-- Dr. Siddique, Dr. A.Q.Khan, Dr. S.B.K. Murthy, Dr. B. Saxena, Dr. Chandani, Dr. S.C. Sharma and Dr G.P. Dubey, who contributed a lot to enrich its academic life.
The department envisions to make its students proficient in English language.It aspires to sensitize the students towards literature keeping pace with new trends in language and literature.
The Department works with the mission of giving its students a firm foundation of English language. Our mission is also to inculcate literary sense, aesthetic sensibility, humanistic understanding and cross-cultural literary insight in a conducive and naturalistic environment. The ultimate focus is to cultivate critical thinking leading to creativity and innovation.
In its quest of realizing its vision and mission, the department organizes workshops, interdisciplinary extension and in-house activities. Eminent academicians are invited in an effort to not only enrich aesthetic sensibility but also to expose the students to the emerging trends in the field of literature and language. Personalities like Jayant Mahapatra, the renowned poet, Dr. Ashok Thorat, Dr R .K. Dhawan ,Dr A. N. Dwivedi, Dr K. G. Shrivastava, Dr S.B.Shrivastava, Dr Sudipta Sarkar , Dr M.C. Saxena , to name a few , have visited the department in the past few years.
With a view to give diversified understanding and vision of literature, the department offers courses in History of English Literature, Renaissance,Romantic, Victorian and Modernist studies, American literature, Indian writing in English, Indian Aesthetics and Criticism, Colonial and Post Colonial studies. Courses in Linguistics and Phonetics are also offered to introduce the students to the finer aspect of language learning.
With the purpose of imparting proficiency in English language, the department organizes remedial classes for both UG and PG students.Very often student shaving little or no background of English literature opt for Masters in English literature. To bring them at par with students having background of English Literature, Orientation Programme is organized by the Department in the beginning of the session. As a research centre the department is known for high standards of research. The research areas gather to gather all the threads that makeup the fabric of English literature and language.
In terms of infrastructure and resources the Department has a Language Lab, setup under CPE scheme of UGC. It is well equipped with ICT facilities, high quality software and books, CDs and DVDs along with other basic amenities.
In November 2002, a new chapter began when the department became the authorized research centre of Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur. Since its inception the centre is known for its high standards of research with a strong commitment to excellence in research.
The centre aims at carrying out research both in traditional and current areas of English studies. In addition to core English literature and American literature components, it encourages work in new literatures in English, Indian Writing in English, African- American Literature and Colonial and Post colonial Studies.
The faculty of the department is also engaged in research projects funded by U.G.C. Two minor projects have been submitted by Dr. Somali Gupta and Dr. Suchitra Gupta on the topics "Development of Oral Communication Skills for the Backward Students of Chhattisgarh" and "Pre- Independence Fiction Writing in English" respectively. One minor research project by Dr. Mercy George on the topic "Excellence Model for Teachers in the Changing Scenario with Particular Reference to Teachers of English" was also submitted in the year 2016.
The Departmental Research Committee was formed in the year 2011 with the Principal of the college as its Chairman and the Head, department of Hindi as the coordinator of arts faculty. The committee has two departmental members.
Dr.Qamar Talat (member)
Dr.Mercy George (member)
Ph. D. Coursework for research scholars is also undertaken by the Departmental Research Committee. Apart from easy access to the Central library and to extensive collection of primary research material, the research scholars are provided with a comfortable space to carry on their research. To enhance the research culture among the researchers, research seminars are organized and their participation is encouraged. In the last few years 17 doctoral degrees have been awarded. The faculty and the research scholars have published research papers in various national and international journals in the last five years.
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2016 |
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2015 |
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2014 |
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03 |
03 |
2013 |
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05 |
2012 |
01 |
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2011 |
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Publications in International /National Journals
“Conflict , East vs West and Inferiority Complex in Orhan Pamuk’s ‘ The Silent House’”.
The Criterian. Vol.7, issue 1, Feb2016, Pg no.405 to 409 ISSN no. 0976-8165. Dr Qamar Talat
“Aggression leading to Violence; Challenging Patriarchal Strictures and Regendering of Female Characters in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple.” Virtuoso. Vol. V, issue I &2 ,2016. ISSN: 2249-6076 Tarlochan Kaur Sandhu
"The Absurd World of Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter." Research Scholar. Vol. III, Issue II, 301-05 ,2015. ISSN: 2320-6101 Dr. Mercy George
"Emotional Intelligence andTeachers' Emotions and Teaching: A Humanist Approach in Developing English Communication Skills." Scholars World. Vol. III, Issue III, 117- 20, 2015.ISSN: 2319-5789. Dr. Mercy George
"Role of Nadine Gordimer in the Politics of South Africa." European Academic Research. Vol. II, 16159- 65,2015. ISSN: 2286- 4822. Dr. Qamar Talat
"Aggression leading to Violence;Challenging Patriarchal Strictures and Regenerating of Female Characters in Alice Walkers The Color Purple." Virtuoso. Vol. IV, issue I,2015. ISSN:2249-6076. Dr. Tarlochan Kaur Sandhu
"Circumcision: An Unspeakable Act in Alice Walker’s Possessing The Secret of Joy." Virtuoso. Vol. IV,issue II, 79- 88, 2015. ISSN: 2249-6076. Dr. Tarlochan Kaur Sandhu
"Nadine Gordimer's- A World of Strangers: A Bildungsroman of Political Awakening." Virtuoso. Vol. IV,issue II, 74-78, 2015. ISSN: 2249-6076. Dr. Qamar Talat
"Pinter's Theatre: A Theatre ofLanguage." Research Analysis and Evaluation. Vol. VI, Issue 60- 61, 18-20, 2014. ISSN: 0975-3486. Dr. Mercy George
"Language of Silence in the Plays of Harold Pinter." International Journal of English Language,Literature and Humanities. Vol. II, Issue VI, 79- 87, 2014. ISSN: 2321-7065. Dr.Mercy George
"The Emergence of New Woman in the Novels of Shobha De." Remarking: Social Research Foundation; AnInternational Journal. Vol.VI, 75- 76, 2014. ISSN: 2394-0344. Dr.Tarlochan Kaur Sandhu & Dr. Meena Maan
"The World of the Absurd Characters in the Plays of Pinter." Mind and Society. Vol. II, No. I, 7-11, 2013. ISSN:2277-6907. Dr. Mercy George
"Search of Grace: A Spiritual Exodus in Alice Walker's `By the Light of My Father's Smile'." Virtuoso.Vol.-III, 33- 42, 2013. ISSN:2249-6076. Dr. Tarlochan Kaur Sandhu
"Teaching English to Urban and Rural Students." Virtuoso. Vol.-III, Issue-I, 83- 91, 2013. ISSN:2249-6076. Dr. Qamar Talat
"Implications of Communication Skills of Effective Teaching." Shodh Sampreshan. Vol.. VI, Oct- Dec, 3- 5,2013. ISSN: 097-6459. Dr. Qamar Talat
"Interpretations of 'Savitri byToru Dutt And Sri Aurobindo: A Study of Literary Vision." The IndianJournal of English Studies. Vol. L, 176- 89, 2013. ISSN: 0537-1988. Dr.Qamar Talat
"Marginalized Psyche: Protest Against Sexual Colonialism in Alice Walker's `The Color Purple'." Voice ofthe Voiceless: Conceptualizing the Marginalized Psyche. Vol. I, 20- 21, 2012.ISSN: 978-81-72735-625. Dr. Tarlochan Kaur Sandhu
"Modern (Wo) Man: Existence and Transcendence in Alice Walker's Meridian." Literatti. Winter, 28-36, 2011.ISSN: 978-81-72755-625. Dr. Tarlochan Kaur Sandhu