Superpowers Intervention and arms aid to South Asia during Nehru Era 1947-1964 and Indian security.

Dr. Shakeel husain

Afterthe end of World War II, the threat of fascism and Nazism ended, but forWestern Europe and America a new threat of communism arose .  The western democratic world was perceivingcommunism as a danger because of its instinctive totalitarian nature ofgovernance just like fascism and Nazism. Therefore,  communism wasperceived as  an enemy of democracy andfree competitive market economy like fascism and Nazism. Consequently soonafter the Second World War, the fortification of the geostrategic regions ofthe world started and the world gradually got involved in the competition ofsuperpowers. West Asia became a hot spot because of the utility of cued  oil , Europe for European security, theIndian Ocean and the Pacific region for its maritime importance became veryimportant strategic regions.  As aresult, almost every region of the world has become a declared or unannouncedfield of superpower's competition and intervention. Organisation for collectivesecurity like Natoin Europe, Cento in west asia and Seato in Indo-pacific were created. Due toPakistan becoming a member of Cento and Seato, the Cold War reached South Asia.


Keywords : Afghanistan, America,arms aid, Britain, economic aid, India, Pakistan, Military  , South Asia, USSR

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How to cite this article:
husain S. (2023) : Superpowers Intervention and arms aid to South Asia during Nehru Era 1947-1964 and Indian security. Research Expression 6:9 p.36-46