A Study on Growth and Prospects of Startup India

Nivedita Verma Research Scholar - Department of Business Economics, Faculty of Management Studies, VBS Purvanchal University Jaunpur

Startups are one of the major forces for the growth and development of an economy. So the growth of startups needs to be assessed and analysed to ensure the development of the economy. The last few years our country has experienced a startup movement in which the young, innovative daring and enthusiastic youth have participated and taken up the challenge. The data reveals that approx. 1200 new startups have been launched and which is a resul of remarkable ecosystem provided to the startups. This eco system consists of supportive policies by government, fund supports, technological support by both public and private. With the current population of nearly 1.37 billon o county is moving towards getting surpass the population of China and will become world most populated country which is highly alarming for all of us. The reports says that by the 2020 the jobseekers will increase by 28.6 millice In such a case the start ups may play a very positive role by providing bulk hiring and thus playing role of job creator For this there may be a requirement of more powerful eco system. The NASSCOM data reveals start that currently Indi is having 18 numbers of Unicorns (A Unicorn is a privately held startup company valued at over $1 billion). Current 8 Unicorns are added in the year 2018, which is making India to be 3rd largest tech startup ecosystem in the work leaving behind UK, Germany and Israel. Only USA and China are leading ahead. The Indian Unicorn such as Flipkar Inmobi, Quikr, BYJU's, Zomato, Paytm, Snapdeal, Ola, Shopclues, etc., have performed very well in India and abroad

Few top performer startups are listed below which are catering in various areas such as food chain, Taxi service, Health care, Food Tech, Payment service, Non-veg delivery service, Food delivery service, Designer clothing provide (on rent), Online pharmacy and Fitness provider, etc.

In this study it is found that government has initiated and provided a very wide range of startup ecosystem, whic is functioning throughout the country. Not only the tax relaxation and ease of doing business is promoting th startups, but incubators/accelerators, government policies, seed funding support, angel and venture funding an promotion of awareness and outreach is also of great use for the new entrants and existing entrepreneur. The overa growth of number of startup is outstanding and the government keen interest is making it more remarkable. The on thing which has to be taken care of is that these growing numbers of startup may also be able to sustain for long period of time. India is performing very well in the area of tech startup and the interesting part is these tech startup are catering the consumers unexpected problem area. The incubators and accelerators are providing tech startup, better platform in the form of office space, technical mentoring, funding linkages, etc. Many big corporate house Universities and government incubators are providing all sorts of help to the budding startups. In overall scenar it is seen that the pace of growth of startup India is good and startup India will be one of the major source of job creat in India and will help to overcome the problem of unemployment to the job seekers in the coming year.

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How to cite this article:
Verma N. (2019) : A Study on Growth and Prospects of Startup India . Research Expression 3 : 4 & 5 (2019) 32 - 43