Creating the Possible Worlds through Narratives: A Study of Katherine Mansfield's Tiredness of Rosabel' and Alice Munro's 'Carried Away'

Meenakshi Shrivastava, Dr. Rooble Verma - School of Studies in English, Vikram University, Ujjain (MP)

A work of art has both the attributes of being an imagined reality and reality imagined. In a fictional work, the world created is the world created by narratives and a study of narrative semantics of any work gives an opening to the many hidden routes which are not visible on the surface. The semantics of possible worlds includes a study of narratives, the patterns, the words, and the plots of a piece of fictional work. Katherine Mansfield's story, The Tiredness of Rosabel' is a story of a young girl and her optimism. Rosabel continuously moves in two worlds one the real world and another her imagined world, the other world which like Hogwarts railway platform is just between the real world. Alice Munro's 'Carried Away' is a story about Louisa and her world. The story that has gained the reputation of historical fiction', is a perfect example of Munro's narrative technique, like a collage it has many voices and points of view assembled to create one picture. The paper is an attempt to study the various possible worlds of Rosabel and Louisa created by Mansfield and Munro through the skillful use of the narratives.

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How to cite this article:
Shrivastava M. Verma R. (2022) : Creating the Possible Worlds through Narratives: A Study of Katherine Mansfield's Tiredness of Rosabel' and Alice Munro's 'Carried Away' Research Expression 5 : 7 (2022) 1-7