Ethnomedicinal Use Of Medicinal Plants For The Treatment Of Jaundice

Dr. Vijay Laxmi Naidu

Jaundice, a condition resulting from hyperbilirubinemia, isa common clinical manifestation of liver dysfunction, hemolytic diseases, orbiliary obstruction. Despite advances in modern medicine, the high prevalenceof jaundice, particularly in resource-limited regions, underscores the need foralternative and complementary therapeutic options. Medicinal plants have beenwidely used in traditional medicine systems for the treatment of jaundice,owing to their hepatoprotective, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.This study explores the ethno botanical and pharmacological profiles ofmedicinal plants traditionally employed in the management of jaundice. Keyplant species, their bioactive compounds, mechanisms of action, and therapeuticefficacy are critically reviewed, with a focus on their hepatoprotectivepotential. Furthermore, the study highlights scientific advancements invalidating traditional claims, as well as challenges in standardization, safetyevaluation, and clinical application of these herbal remedies. The findingsemphasize the importance of medicinal plants as a promising avenue for thedevelopment of cost-effective and accessible therapies for jaundice.Integrating traditional knowledge with modern pharmacological research canprovide valuable insights into innovative liver-protective agents andcontribute to global healthcare solutions.

Keywords:  Jaundice, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory , bioactive, cost-effective, medicinal   

                     plants , liver-protective , pharmacological, jaundice, standardization

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How to cite this article:
Naidu,V.L. (2024) :Ethnomedicinal Use of Medicinal Plants for the treatment of Jaundice Research Expression 7:10, p. 91-101 DOI: